The King of Fighters XI is a fighting video game developed by SNK and released for PlayStation 2 in 2005. It is the eleventh installment in the series, offering a roster of 33 characters, including four new fighters. The game introduces a fifth attack button and a new Skill Gauge system, allowing players to execute powerful tag-off moves and create custom three-member tag teams for dynamic combat.
The eleventh game in the KOF series following The King of Fighters 2003.
According to Sega: 'For over 10 years, the King of Fighters series has been the choice of game players around the world. The 11th team of fighters continues this tradition. KOF11 is suited for one to two players, with continuous buy-in. Choose from 33 fighters, including 4 new characters. A fifth control button was added to enhance your skills by delivering a devastating blow to your opponent, if hit at the right time. A New Skill Gauge performs a variety of tag-off moves and new attacks. A player can also custom construct a Three-Fighter Tag-Team by selecting three choice combatants.'