The Polar Express is an adventure game for PlayStation 2 inspired by the CGI-animated film directed by Robert Zemeckis. Players join a skeptical boy on a magical train ride to the North Pole, exploring vast 3D environments and interacting with characters from the movie. The game features mini-games, puzzles, and presents to find, offering a journey of discovery and belief.
An adventure game based on the CGI-animated Robert Zemeckis movie starring Tom Hanks and based on the children's book by Chris Van Allsburg. When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. Climb aboard the Polar Express and meet memorable characters from the film as you race across train tops, ride runaway rail cars, and sort through mountains of presents. Explore massive 3D environments including the North Pole and The Polar Express. Interact with recognizable characters from the movie, including Hero Girl, Know-it-All, Lonely Boy, Hero Boy, the Hobo, Smokey & Steamer and the Elves. Play mini-games, solve puzzles, and search for lost presents.