The Sword of Etheria is an action role-playing game developed and published by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo for the PlayStation 2. Set in a fantastical world where humans, gods, and spiritual warriors known as Katenas coexist, players navigate a narrative featuring powerful Katenas who don armor called Lexes. Driven by ambition and a desire for control, the gods threaten to consume the energy source Etheria and plunge the world into darkness.
The Sword of Etheria is an action, hack and slash and role-playing video game developed and published by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo.
Set in an alternate world; humans, gods, and spiritual beings known as `Katenas` coexist. Katenas are powerful warriors with the ability to encase themselves in full suits of armor called `Lexes`. The Katenas are the envoys of the gods. The three great Katenas, chosen by the gods, are collectively referred to as `Oz`.
Both humans and Katenas are overseen by the gods. As in Greek mythology, the gods are described as omnipotent, ambitious, self-serving, and power-hungry. The major source of their power is light; as they consume light, they cast parts of the world into darkness for centuries. The gods seek to destroy humanity and drain the planet's energy source, `Etheria`.