TOCA Race Driver 3 is the third installment in the TOCA racing video game series developed by Codemasters, released for PlayStation 2 on February 24, 2006. The game features numerous licensed championships, including DTM and V8 Supercars, with 120 championships across various racing types. It offers modes such as Pro Career and World Tour, and enables online multiplayer support. The game received positive reviews, praised for its realism and gameplay depth.
TOCA Race Driver 3 (also known as DTM Race Driver 3 in Germany and V8 Supercars 3 in Australia) is the third title of TOCA racing video game series, developed and published by Codemasters. TOCA Race Driver 3 was released in Europe and North America on February 24, 2006. The game features several fully licenced championships, including the DTM series and V8 Supercar championship.
It includes 120 Championships and 35 Types of Racing through the Championship in World Tour, Pro Career, and Free Race. Also it has Bonus Championships in different disciplines. They take place largely in the UK and Germany, though many more tracks are unlocked by winning cups in Pro Career, or by setting a lap time record on a course within Pro Career mode. Open wheel, GT, Oval racing, Rallying and Off-road racing were all featured, and can be raced in either a detailed Pro Career mode or an open-ended World Tour.
Online play allows 12 and 8 players on Xbox and PlayStation 2, respectively. Currently, it is the only racing simulator for PlayStation 2 with an online racing mode. It received good reviews, frequently being compared favorably to Gran Turismo 4 and Forza Motorsport, in the aspects of cars on track, damage and AI.