Zone of the Enders is a mecha action game developed by Konami for the PlayStation 2, directed by Hideo Kojima. Players control Leo Stenbuck, a young boy who pilots a prototype fighting robot during a space colony attack. The game features advanced graphics, a variety of weapons, an engaging storyline, dynamic missions, a two-player versus mode, and includes a demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 in initial releases.
Take control of a fully armed prototype mechanized robot and fight off enemies during a space colony hijack in Hideo Kojima's Zone of the Enders. In it, players become the character Leo Stenbuck, who sees the consequences of fighting first hand as he learns the true meaning of life and death. Combining state of the art PlayStation 2 graphics, tons of weapons, and an involving storyline, Zone of the Enders also provides a dynamically changing mission structure, a versus mode for two players, and a playable demo of Metal Gear Solid 2: Snake Eater in all first-run production copies.