Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations is an action-adventure video game for PlayStation 3, developed by Vicious Cycle Software and licensed by Cartoon Network Interactive. As the fourth installment of the Adventure Time series, it introduces 3D graphics and gameplay focused on exploration and puzzle-solving. Players assume the roles of Finn and Jake, becoming detectives to solve mysteries in the Land of Ooo while engaging with various characters and defeating enemies.
Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations is an upcoming action adventure video game developed by Vicious Cycle Software under license from Cartoon Network Interactive. This is the fourth game based on the animated television series Adventure Time following The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom, and the first action adventure title in the series presented in full 3D graphics.
In this game, players can check out `Land of Ooo locales, talk to characters, sharpen their creative puzzle-solving skills, defeat bad guys and just have fun.` Loosely based on the TV show's sixth season, the game features `a focus on exploring, investigating, and puzzle-solving. Thanks to the discovery of an assignment printing machine called the 'tickertype,' Finn and Jake decide to become detectives like Joshua and Margaret (Finn and Jake's parents). Finn's sword will see a bit of action too, allowing players to fill the Tree House treasure room full of enemy drops.