Akatsuki No Goei Trinity is a comprehensive compilation for PlayStation 3 that encompasses the entire Akatsuki No Goei trilogy. Players follow Asagari Kaito, who serves as a bodyguard to the affluent Nikaidou Reika, exploring themes of social and financial disparity. This edition features enhanced 720p HD graphics, additional cutscenes, new opening sequences for the first and third games, and access to the original soundtrack.
This game is a complete collection of the Akatsuki no Goei trilogy which follows Asagari Kaito as he becomes a bodyguard to the stuck up Nikaidou Reika. The games deal with themes of social and financial inequality. The trinity version has an upgraded 720HD scaling to all of the images, as well as extra CGs, extra openings for both Game 1 and Game 3, a nice and neat interface, and the option to check out the OST of the game.