Costume Quest is an adventure role-playing game developed by Double Fine Productions for the PlayStation 3. Set on Halloween night, players control a group of children who embark on a quest to protect their neighborhood from monsters. By collecting candy and completing quests, players can transform into powerful versions of their homemade costumes, each offering unique abilities to combat enemies.
Costume Quest is a rollicking Adventure/Role-Playing game that unfolds on Halloween night across seemingly peaceful suburban neighborhoods, a mysterious village carnival, and a monster-infested shopping mall. Created by Double Fine's lead animator, Tasha Harris, the game follows the adventure of a group of young friends who must rid their neighborhood of monsters using only their wits, their bravery, and their home-made costumes. Players go door-to-door collecting candy, points, cards, battle stamps and quest assignments as they prepare themselves for Combat Mode-where they transform into larger-than-life versions of their costumes. Each costume that comes-to-life provides its own unique set of superpowers that players will need to battle Halloweens worst monsters.