Fuse is a cooperative action game developed by Insomniac Games for PlayStation 3, set in a near-future world. Players control a team of four diverse agents known as Overstrike 9, each possessing unique skills. Tasked with combating a shadowy organization that threatens humanity, players utilize advanced weaponry and gadgets while engaging in strategic gameplay and teamwork.
Set in the near-future, Overstrike follows a team of four elite agents obliterating enemy strongholds using fringe-tech gadgets and lethal teamwork. The members of Overstrike 9 are comprised of an ex-mercenary, Interpol\'s most wanted thief, a gifted young scientist and a decorated detective. Collectively, they are the agency\'s outcasts. But a shadowy organization threatens to wipe out humankind. Thanks to each agent\'s unique talents and a tendency to completely ignore protocol – Overstrike 9 is the only option left. Overstrike blends developer Insomniac Games\' flair for exotic weaponry and immersive storytelling with a touch of humor in this 4 person co-op action game.