God of War: Ghost of Sparta is an action-adventure game for PlayStation 3, serving as a prequel to God of War II. The story follows Kratos as he confronts haunting visions of his mother, Callisto, imprisoned in Atlantis. Defying Athena's warnings, he embarks on a quest to rescue his brother Deimos from Thanatos, the god of death, exploring themes of vengeance and redemption.
An HD remaster of God of War: Ghost of Sparta included in "God of War: Origins Collection." It features high-definition resolution, stereoscopic 3D, anti-aliased graphics locked in at 60 frames per second, DualShock 3 vibration function, and Trophies.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta stands as a spin-off nestled between the events of God of War and God of War II. Despite ascending to the title of the god of war, Kratos remains haunted by nightmarish visions. One such vision compels him to embark on a new journey when he witnesses his mother, Callisto, imprisoned in Atlantis under the dominion of the sea god Poseidon. Against Athena's counsel to ignore the vision, Kratos sets forth to unravel his past and, in the process, rescue his long-lost brother, Deimos, from the clutches of the god of death, Thanatos.