God of War HD is a remastered version of the original action-adventure hack-and-slash game created by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Set in ancient Greece and influenced by Greek mythology, players control Kratos, a Spartan warrior seeking vengeance against Ares, the God of War. Enhanced visuals in full HD and improved frame rates provide a refined gameplay experience on PlayStation 3.
A remaster of God of War, an action-adventure hack-and-slash video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). Loosely inspired by Greek mythology, it unfolds in ancient Greece with vengeance as its central theme. The player takes on the role of Kratos, the protagonist, a Spartan warrior devoted to the Olympian gods. Tasked by the goddess Athena, Kratos is assigned to eliminate Ares, the God of War and Kratos' former mentor. Ares had deceitfully manipulated Kratos into killing his wife and daughter. As Ares attacks Athens fueled by hatred for Athena, Kratos embarks on a quest to locate Pandora's Box, the sole object capable of permanently stopping the vengeful god.
The remaster features full HD resolution complete with 2X anti-aliased graphics running at 60 frames per second.