ICO HD is a remastered version of the critically acclaimed action-adventure game originally released for PlayStation 2. Players control a young boy with horns who escapes a castle and rescues a girl trapped in a cage. Together, they navigate a surreal environment while evading shadow creatures. Enhanced with high-definition graphics and immersive audio, ICO HD offers a captivating emotional journey.
Experience the wonder and magic of one of the most beloved video games of all time, now available with full HD graphics, 7.1 surround sound, and stereoscopic 3D support.
A young boy is locked away deep in a castle after horns started growing out of his head. After breaking free from his confines, he rescues a mysterious girl from her cage. Together they must escape the dangers of the castle and fend off the shadow creatures haunting their every move.
ICO is a harrowing and emotional adventure unlike any other. Experience one of the most highly acclaimed video games of all time.