Kamen Rider: Battride War is an action video game for PlayStation 3 based on the Kamen Rider series, released on May 23, 2013. The game employs a gameplay style reminiscent of Dynasty Warriors, allowing players to control various Kamen Riders from the Heisei era, beginning with Kamen Rider Kuuga and concluding with Kamen Rider Wizard. A limited edition featuring a soundtrack of original theme songs was also made available.
Kamen Rider: Battride War is a video game based on the Kamen Rider Series, released for the PlayStation 3 on May 23, 2013. Done in the style of Dynasty Warriors, the player controls one of the Kamen Riders as he battles through a series of enemies. The game mainly features the protagonists of the Heisei era of Kamen Rider, starting with 2000's Kamen Rider Kuuga and featuring up to 2013's Kamen Rider Wizard. Showa-era Kamen Riders were originally meant to be released as downloadable content, but only two alternate versions of characters were released instead. A limited edition of the game was released that has a soundtrack that includes the original theme songs from the TV series and films.