One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 is an action-adventure game for PlayStation 3 that follows the original One Piece storyline, starting from Fuschia Village and extending to the kingdom of Dressrosa, ruled by the villain Donquixote Doflamingo. Players control members of the Straw Hat Crew, engaging in iconic battles across locations such as Marineford and Fish-Man Island while facing formidable foes.
Enjoy the original story of ONE PIECE from Fuschia village, where everything has started, to the kingdom of Dressrosa, a mysterious island dominated by the evil Donquixote.
Will your resolution be strong enough to defeat the most dangerous foes, including Doflamingo, Hordy. Jones, Ceasar. Clown and many more?
Gather every member of the Straw Hat Crew, like in the original story, sail to the most emblematic places and enter the most epic battles: Marineford, Fish-Man Island, Punk Hazard and Dressrosa!