Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode Two is a role-playing adventure game and the second entry in the series inspired by the webcomic Penny Arcade. Set in the unique 1920s-inspired world of New Arcadia, players can create a character in a comic style and join protagonists Gabe and Tycho. The game features combat, puzzles, and distinctive humor, offering a standalone experience for newcomers and fans alike.
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two is the second installment in the RPG-adventure game series based on the web comic Penny Arcade. Whether you're a fan of the first installment or new to the series, you'll be able to pick up and play Episode Two as a standalone experience. Create your character in the classic comic style, and join Gabe and Tycho in the alternate 1920s universe of New Arcadia, where you'll combat savage enemies, solve mysteries, meet bizarre new characters, and discover their distinctive adult humor for a 100% authentic Penny Arcade experience.