Rango is an action-adventure video game for PlayStation 3, based on the animated film of the same name. Players assume the role of Rango, a brave chameleon who becomes the sheriff of the chaotic town of Dirt. As Rango, players navigate a vibrant Wild West environment, battling various enemies, including aliens and mischievous rodents, while seeking to restore peace and order to the town.
The town of Dirt could use some cleaning up — and it'll take one tough-scaled reptile to do the job. Rango is the newest sheriff in town, and this pint-sized cowboy has big-time courage under his cap. Patrolling the Wild West atop roadrunners and desert bats, the little lizard is ready for action — and it's action he'll encounter when aliens threaten abduction, rogue rodents are let loose and other wacky mishaps ensue. Can the sheriff shoot 'em up, brawl the bad guys and save the day?