Rinne no Lagrange: Kamogawa Days is a hybrid disc for PlayStation 3 that combines a video game with an original video animation. Following the events of the first anime series, players join protagonists Madoka, Ran, and Muginami as they protect their home from alien threats. The OVA presents their daily lives, offering an intimate glimpse into their characters while the game features action-packed missions against invaders.
Kamogawa is under attack. It's time for Madoka, Ran and Muginami go head back to their cockpits to save the day. Rin-ne no Lagrange - Kamogawa Days links the first anime series with the second. The OVA anime tells the stories of the peaceful times. See Madoka and her friends' daily lives. The charming episode is a chance to meet the characters, the existing fans can get closer to the girls and new viewers can get a taste of the style. The game is a loyal playable re-creation of the episodes in the first anime series. Raise your firearms, shoot down the aliens that invade your skies and clear the missions.