Ryū ga Gotoku Ishin! is a spin-off title in the Yakuza series released for PlayStation 3. Set during the tumultuous Bakumatsu period, players assume the role of Sakamoto Ryoma, who navigates a landscape of political upheaval and personal turmoil. Seeking vengeance for his mentor's murder, Ryoma adopts a new identity while engaging with the infamous Shinsengumi in Kyoto.
Ryuu ga Gotoku Ishin! is a spin-off game in the Yakuza series.
Set in the chaotic Bakumatsu period (during and shortly after the American Civil War), Sakamoto Ryoma, is distressed resulting from conflicting pressures and uncertainty about one's self and role in the society. Being embroiled in the middle of a Tosa coup d'état and bent on finding the murderer who assassinated his mentor, Ryoma burrows himself with a hidden identity in the streets of Kyoto and joins the grim Shinsengumi.