Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I is a platforming game developed by Sonic Team and Dimps, released for PlayStation 3 in 2010. Serving as a direct sequel to Sonic and Knuckles, the game features classic mechanics like the Spin Dash and the Homing Attack. Players control Sonic as he confronts Dr. Eggman, who enhances his robotic creations. The game aims to capture the essence of the original 2D Sonic titles.
The sequel fans have waited 16 years for is finally here - Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I! Featuring enhanced gameplay elements, including the classic Sonic Spin Dash, and the versatile Homing Attack, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I picks up right where Sonic and Knuckles left off. Dr. Eggman’s back, and in an effort to finally rid himself of Sonic, he revisits – and improves – the very best of his creations. Get ready for the next chapter in an all new epic 2D saga built for old and new fans alike.