The Evil Within is an action survival horror game developed by Tango Gameworks and directed by Shinji Mikami, known for his work on the Resident Evil series. Players assume the role of detective Sebastian Castellanos as he navigates a nightmarish world filled with grotesque creatures. The game emphasizes strategic resource management and adapts its environments dynamically, enhancing the horror experience.
The Evil Within is an action survival horror game that draws inspiration from the Resident Evil series with a grimy look with exaggerated gore. The game was directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of Resident Evil & a former Resident Evil 4 director. You must navigate through the hostile game world with limited resources, this requires to use your wits to survive and correctly manage your resources as you encounters various terrors and dangers throughout the game. The environments may also change without warning in real-time based on your actions, adding more variables to the game.