Tokyo Jungle is an action-adventure survival game for PlayStation 3 set in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo where humans have vanished. Players select from over 50 animals to navigate the urban landscape, confronting various threats while hunting for food. The game features both Story and Survival modes, requiring players to utilize combat and stealth strategies to thrive in a harsh environment.
In Tokyo Jungle, everything is the enemy, and only the strongest will survive!
With over 50 playable animals to choose from, unleash your inner beast to hunt your way to the top of Tokyo's post-apocalyptic food chain. Whether in Story or Survival Mode, you never know where your next meal will come from or the dangers you'll face, so be prepared for anything and everything. Forage through this desolate but dangerous city to complete story-based challenges using a variety of survival skills, from all-out attack to stealth. Beware-- you are not the only animal out there hunting for survival!