Black Robinia is a mystery adventure game for the PlayStation Portable, inspired by the Drama CD series from Broccoli. Players assume the roles of Rei, a private detective, and Akira, a police investigator, as they reunite at the ominous Manor of Misfortune. Tasked with solving the murder of Blue Robin, they confront their troubled past while unraveling the mystery surrounding the crime.
Based on the Drama CD series by Broccoli.
Who killed Blue Robin?
There is a mansion in the town where both of the protagonists (Rei & Akira) grew up in that is known as the Manor of Misfortune. On the day when Rei visits the place while hired as a private detective, a murder occurs. Then enters Akira, who now works as a police investigator, to lead to one of the worst reunions of old friends.
After basically avoiding each other for years after a certain incident, it’s time to slowly put away their sad past to focus on solving the case…