Digimon World Re:Digitize is a role-playing game for the PlayStation Portable featuring a 16-year-old protagonist named Taiga who finds himself in the digital world of Digimon. Players cultivate and train Digimon, managing their growth through five stages—Baby, Child, Adult, Perfect, and Ultimate. Care is essential as Digimon can experience hunger, illness, injury, and death, impacting their evolution and development.
In the game, the player follows and controls "Taiga", a 16-year-old male protagonist who is transported to the digital world of Digimon, which in his universe is merely an online game. In the universe of Digimon, people raise creatures collectively referred to as Digimon. Players raise the Digimon through stages of growth that determine his personality, the five stages being "Baby", "Child", "Adult", "Perfect" and "Ultimate". Digimon evolve over time by gaining stats and other factors. Digimon can get hungry, sick, injured or die and need care to recover.