Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki, released for the PlayStation Portable, is the fourth entry in the Trails series and a direct sequel to the Sora no Kiseki trilogy. Set in the politically tense city-state of Crossbell, it centers on Lloyd Bannings and his team—Elie MacDowell, Randy Orlando, and Tio Plato—as they navigate challenges in their role within the Special Support Section of the Crossbell police.
Zero no Kiseki (also known as `Trails from Zero`) serves as the fourth installment in the story of Zemuria, serving as a direct sequel to the events of the Sora no Kiseki/Trails in the Sky trilogy. It takes place in Crossbell, a city-state located between two great powers fighting for control over it, and follows Lloyd Bannings and his colleagues Elie MacDowell, Randy Orlando, and Tio Plato. The four form the Special Support Section, a newly formed department of the Crossbell police. The game and its sequel, Ao no Kiseki, form the Crossbell arc of the series.