Gundam Battle Chronicle is a video game for the PlayStation Portable and serves as a sequel to Gundam Battle Royale and the Gundam Battles series. The game features over 140 mobile suits, including 80 from its predecessor. Enhancements to the multiplayer system allow single-player missions to be played in multiplayer mode. It includes new missions from Stardust Memory and features mobile suits from Gundam ZZ, Gundam Sentinel, and Char's Counterattack.
Gundam Battle Chronicle is the sequel to Gundam Battle Royale and Gundam Battles series. It features over 140 Mobile units including the 80 units in Gundam Battle Royale and improved the multi-player gaming system so that the single-player missions could be played in multi-player's mission mode. New additional missions are from Stardust Memory, and MSs from Gundam ZZ, Gundam Sentinel, and Char's Counterattack.