Heart no Kuni no Alice: Anniversary Ver: Wonderful Wonder World is a visual novel developed for the PlayStation Portable, originally released as a PC game in February 2007. The story follows Alice, who is transported to a perilous realm where eccentric characters and romantic entanglements unfold. She struggles to adapt to this dangerous world while contemplating her desire to return home and her potential for love.
Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World is the first installment in the Heart no Kuni no Alice series. It was originally released in February 2007 for PC and a version for the PS2 and PSP was released later.
Alice is realistic; especially about love. One day, she is taken to the world of heart, which is full of danger. For example, an owner of a hat shop is a gangster, and every theme park worker carries a gun; almost all of the people are dangerous.
She somehow starts to enjoy her life there, after she is forced to take a drug which prevents her from returning to her original world. Will she find a way back? Will she fall in love?