Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is a fighting game developed for the PlayStation Portable, marking the franchise's debut in English on the platform. It adapts the mechanics of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 and Narutimate Hero Portable while focusing on action rather than narrative. The game includes 20 playable characters, a three-on-three combat system, wireless multiplayer support, and unique team abilities.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is an English-exclusive fighting game and is the first English Naruto game on the PlayStation Portable.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is essentially a scaled down version of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 and an edited version of Narutimate Hero Portable. However, Ultimate Ninja Heroes is more of an action game whereas Narutimate Portable was more story oriented. The game also features 20 characters and several new features, such as a three-on-three fighting system, wireless two-player battles, and `hidden` team skills.