PoPoLoCrois is a role-playing game for the PlayStation Portable that follows the adventures of Pietro, the prince of PoPoLoCrois Kingdom, as he embarks on a quest to save his family and the world. The game consists of three chapters: Ice Demon, Dark Lion King, and Goddess Maira, offering over 30 hours of gameplay as players explore various locations and interact with unique characters.
PoPoLoCrois is the heart-warming story of Pietro, the prince of the PoPoLoCrois Kingdom, and his adventures to save his family, the world and everything else between.
The meaning of the word PoPoLoCrois is, `To believe in people.` During your journey with Pietro, you'll travel to many interesting places and meet a slew of wacky characters in his search for the `True Treasure of Kings`. Along the way you'll be reminded of what is truly important in life.
The PSP system version of PoPoLoCrois consists of three main stories: Chapter I: Ice Demon; Chapter II: Dark Lion King; and Chapter III: Goddess Maira. With more than 30 hours of game play, PoPoLoCrois offers hours upon hours of fun and adventure.