Saki Portable is a mahjong-themed visual novel for the PlayStation Portable based on the popular anime and manga series Saki. Players engage in competitive mahjong alongside characters such as Saki and her teammates Nodoka, Yuuki, Hisa, and Mako, aiming for the high school national championships. The game features various modes, allowing customization of teams and unlocking artwork representing the characters.
Popular anime and manga series Saki comes to the PSP in this mahjong-themed bishoujo game! Join Saki and her school mahjong teammates Nodoka, Yuuki, Hisa, and Mako, as they play together competitively and try to reach the high school national mahjong championships! Primarily a mahjong game, the player can also enjoy all of the unique girls' personalities and player strengths, from Saki's intuition to Nodoka's computational skill and Yuuki's love of tacos (yes, she gains mahjong power while eating tacos). Play through the game in `story`, `challenge`, and `free` modes, with unique styles of play from each, from being able to customize your mahjong teams to unlocking fanservice CG featuring the cute girls in the game. Enjoy mahjong with Saki today!