Super Monkey Ball Adventure is an action-adventure game developed for the PlayStation Portable. Players control iconic characters Aiai, Meemee, Baby, and Gongon as they embark on a quest to restore harmony to Monearth after the Naysayers cause chaos. The heroes must navigate various challenges and locate the missing prince and princess of Jungle Island to bring peace back to their world.
Our four heroes from Super Monkey Ball - Aiai, Meemee, Baby and Gongon - were enjoying a typical day, when they saw a flying machine crash down on a nearby island. Soon, they discovered that the mysterious Naysayers have appeared, spreading discord and unhappiness all over the island. And to top it all off, the prince and princess of the neighboring islands have gone missing on Jungle Island - if they aren't found and returned, there's sure to be trouble! Can our heroes restore order to Monearth?