Suto Mani – Strobe Mania is an adventure game for the PlayStation Portable featuring Amano Seri, an ordinary schoolgirl who inadvertently ruins a newspaper scoop belonging to club leader Kagura Jin. To redeem herself, she joins the club and faces challenges as she investigates a series of thefts linked to the enigmatic Silver Seek while ignoring student council warnings.
Average schoolgirl of the average curriculum, Amano Seri, suffers a strike of bad luck when returning to the dorms from a part-time job (in the middle of the night) she accidentally ends up destroying the latest scoop of the of the local newspaper clubs captain – Kagura Jin.
Without much choice but to join the club while promising to publish a better scoop than the one that was lost, thus begins her struggles of ignoring every warning coming from the student council to stay put while chasing after any leads concerning the recent cases of theft by the mysterious trio known as Silver Seek.