The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean is a role-playing game for the PlayStation Portable, originally a remake of The Legend of Heroes V: Umi no Oriuta. Set in Weltluna, it follows the journey of protagonists Forte, Una, and McBain as they search for Leone's Resonance Stones, taking place seven years after A Tear of Vermillion and forty-nine years before Moonlight Witch.
A remake of The Legend of Heroes V: Umi no Oriuta, later localized for North America in 2007 under the title, `The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean.` The trilogies titles have been changed in North America to match a mistake in the title of previously released games. Because of this the trilogies order was mixed up.
This takes place in Weltluna, the third realm in Gagharv, seven years after `A Tear of Vermillion` and forty-nine years before `Moonlight Witch`. It centers around Forte, Una and McBain and their quest in seeking Leone's Resonance Stones.