Virtua Tennis 3 is a sports video game developed by Sega and serves as the third installment in the Virtua Tennis series. Released for various platforms, including PlayStation Portable, it features an arcade version powered by the Sega Lindbergh system. The game includes traditional tennis gameplay alongside a variety of mini-games and was later updated in Virtua Tennis 2009.
Virtua Tennis 3 (Sega Professional Tennis: Power Smash 3 in Japan) is the second arcade game sequel to Sega's tennis game franchise, Virtua Tennis. The arcade version of Virtua Tennis 3 is powered by the PC-based Sega Lindbergh arcade system board. Ports for the PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3 consoles are also available with a traditional collection of tennis minigames that the home versions of Virtua Tennis are known for. In 2009, Sega updated and re-created Virtua Tennis 3 in Virtua Tennis 2009.