Casper is a video game inspired by the animated film, where players control the friendly ghost Casper on his journey to befriend a human and regain his lively past. Set in Whipstaff Manor, players face challenges from Carrigan Crittenden, the estate's greedy inheritor. The game features 3D puzzles and allows players to utilize Casper's unique abilities to interact with the environment and deal with his mischievous uncles.
Based on the Casper film, the game pits you in the role of the friendly ghost trying to make a friend and a second chance at life instead of scaring everyone away.
The plot centers around the `spoiled, grasping inheritor of Whipstaff Manor` - Carrigan Crittenden. She's after the treasure she thinks is hidden in the walls. Casper will need the help of Dr James Harvey - therapist to the dead - if he has any hope of succeeding in his adventures.
Casper will also have to deal with his uncles - Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso, who just love to scare `Fleshies` and thwart Casper's efforts. The gameplay is 3d - and is mostly puzzle solving, with Casper able to take a variety of forms and manipulating objects.