Codename: Tenka is a first-person shooter set in a dystopian 2096, where Earth faces collapse due to war and pollution. Players assume the role of Joseph B. Tenka, a future Bionoid, who opposes the sinister corporate agenda of Extrevius 328, a facility producing lethal warriors. The game features over 20 missions with immersive briefings, drawing comparisons to classic sci-fi horror themes.
Wars and pollution have driven the Earth to chaos. The year is 2096. The remaining colonists' only dream is to leave the planet and establish on Extrevius 328, a corporate conglomerate manufacturing plant for deadly warriors, known as Bionoids. You are Joseph B. Tenka, future Bionoid, very unpleased with the situation, and determined to stop the corporate evil plans.
Over 20 missions with detailed briefings can be found in this Doom clone with creepy atmosphere which has been compared to Aliens.