Destruction Derby 2 is a racing video game developed for the PlayStation, serving as the sequel to the original Destruction Derby. Players compete across seven circuits in various modes, which include Wrecking Racing focused on eliminating opponents, Stock Car races aimed at finishing first, and Destruction Derby featuring crash arenas. The game is noted for its chaotic gameplay and heavy metal soundtrack.
Destruction Derby 2 is the sequel to the MS-DOS, PlayStation, Sega Saturn and Nintendo 64 title Destruction Derby. Here the player must race on up to seven different circuits, in a range of modes, similar to its predecessor. The modes are Wrecking Racing (where the player must destroy or spin the other competitors), Stock Car (a typical race where it's 1st to the flag) and Destruction Derby, which is based around the crash arenas. Commentator Paul Page performed as the announcer. This Racing game is widely known for its destruction and chaotic themes that follow by loud, gritty and dark metal songs.