Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise is a mystery adventure game developed by Mattel Interactive for the PlayStation. Players join Team Barbie Detective to explore a spacious cruise ship and three tropical locations while uncovering clues to solve the mystery of stolen artwork. Designed for a two-player experience, the game features various vehicles and gadgets to assist players in their sleuthing efforts.
Players have the chance to join `Team Barbie Detective` in Mattel Interactive's Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise. Like the earlier PC releases Detective Barbie and Detective Barbie 2, this game is a mystery adventure designed for girls (and mystery-loving sleuths of all ages). Unlike its predecessors, however, Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise was designed specifically for the PlayStation console.
The game supports two players who are encouraged to explore a large cruise ship and three tropical ports-of-call in search of clues that will help solve the mystery of some valuable missing artwork. Luckily, players will find many vehicles and gadgets in Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise to help them along the way.