Disney-Pixar Monsters, Inc.: Scream Team is a platform game for the PlayStation inspired by the 2001 animated film. Players control Sully or Mike, two monsters tasked with scaring children to generate scream energy for their company. The game features expansive 3D environments that reflect the movie’s aesthetic, along with numerous hidden bonuses and power-ups to enhance gameplay.
What would you say if you found out that the scary monsters hiding in children's closet were all part of a corporate conspiracy? Well, that's the premise of the 2001 Disney or Pixar film, Monsters, Inc., and it's the basis of this videogame for the PlayStation. Play as either Sully or Mike two of the monsters hired to scare little kids as you move from house to house, just trying to do your job. The company you work for is in the business of drumming up `scream energy,` so you'll have to be extra frightening if you hope to succeed. Each of the game's 3D environments is detailed and expansive, representing the movie well, and there are dozens of hidden bonuses and power-ups that you can use toy your advantage.