Dotsubo-chan is a PlayStation game centered around a young girl whose wedding day faces numerous disruptions. To ensure her marriage proceeds, players assist her by overcoming various challenges, guided by a peculiar creature following feng shui principles. Each segment requires answering five questions before engaging in challenging mini-games, which are essential for progressing through the narrative.
Dotsubo-Chan tells the story of a young girl that is going to get married, but when the day of the wedding arrives, all thing are going wrong and she will have to fix all of them if she wants to arrive to the wedding and get married.
The goal of the game is to get to the end of the day and get married, to do that she will have the help of a strange creature that will help her is she follows the feng shi rules. In each part of the game the player will have to answer five questions to pass to the mini game stage, and to advance in the game the player will have to pass the minigame.
The most difficult part of the games is to pass the mini games, most of them are really difficult.