G-Police: Weapons of Justice is a PlayStation sequel set ten days after its predecessor. The game follows the G-Police as they combat rising crime in Callisto, where small gangs have evolved into organized syndicates. With assistance from incoming Marines and advanced weaponry, including attack helicopters and mechanized units, players strive to restore order before it is too late.
Taking place only ten days after the events in the original G-Police, the sequel G-Police: Weapons of Justice centers around a group of small gangs in Callisto. The various gangs are taking advantage of the G-Police by exploiting their weakened and exhausted task force. With crime back on the rise, the city will have to pull through and pray for a miracle --- fortunately, they're prayers have been answered.
After an attempt to silence the terrorist organizations, your squad receives word of Marines being sent in to help with the current situation. Unfortunately, they're a few days away from the city and the G-Police can't keep things under control; the rivalry between good and evil heats up before their arrival.
When the Marines and their heavy firepower enter the city -- things are already too late. Those small gangs have turned into full-blown crime syndicates making the force of good's job much harder. Fortunately, your squad of officers has the upper hand -- the G-Police uses a variety of five attack choppers including the Venom and Havoc. Additionally, the Marines have supplied their Corsair cruise ship, Raptor, and Rhino --- a giant mechanized robot used for mass destruction and a heavily armed patrol vehicle, respectively.