Gensou Suiko Gaiden Vol.1: Harmonia no Kenshi is the inaugural installment in the Suikoden side series developed by Konami for the PlayStation. Players assume the role of Nash, an agent of the Southern Fringe Security Force from the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia, tasked with investigating the emergence of a True Rune in Jowston. The gameplay is presented as a digital novel, focusing on narrative choices that affect the storyline.
This is the first volume of the side-story to Konami's RPG series Suikoden.
You play as Nash, a special agent of the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia's Southern Fringe Security Force. He was sent to the City States of Jowston with a mission: the Security Force has been informed that one of the 27 True Runes has appeared in Jowston. He has to verify the rumor and to bring back as much information as possible. On the way, Nash meets a mysterious woman named Sierra and soon gets involved in a large conflict featuring characters and events from the first and second Suikoden games.
Unlike the "mainstream" Suikoden games, this is not a RPG, but a "digital novel". You read text and watch background images, at some points making a decision and leading the story to different paths.