Golgo 13: Karairu no Yabou is a PlayStation game inspired by the long-running manga series created by Takao Saito, which has been published in Shogakukan's Big Comic since 1969. The game centers on Golgo 13, a skilled and enigmatic assassin, as he undertakes various missions involving intrigue and action, reflecting the intense narrative and themes of the original manga.
Golgo 13 - Karairu no Yabou (Also known as Golgo 13 - Carlyle no Yabou) is the first Playstation one game based on the manga series written and illustrated by Takao Saito, published in Shogakukan's Big Comic magazine since 1969. In 1976, the manga won the 21st Shogakukan Manga Award for general manga. The series follows the titular character, a professional assassin for hire.