Gran Turismo is a racing simulation game developed by Kazunori Yamauchi, released for PlayStation. As the inaugural title in the renowned Gran Turismo series, it garnered critical acclaim and sold over 10.85 million copies, becoming the best-selling PlayStation game. Players can engage in Arcade Mode for free selection of vehicles and tracks or Gran Turismo Mode, which requires earning driver's licenses to compete in events and unlock rewards. The game features 140 cars and 11 race tracks, including reverse layouts.
Gran Turismo is a racing game designed by Kazunori Yamauchi and is the first entry in the critically acclaimed simulator racing series bearing the same name. After five years of development time, it was well-received publicly and critically, shipping a total of 10.85 million copies worldwide as of March 2013, making it the best-selling PlayStation game. The game uses two different modes: Arcade Mode and Gran Turismo Mode. In the arcade mode, the player can freely choose the courses and vehicles they wish to use. Winning races unlocks additional cars and courses. However, Gran Turismo Mode requires the player to earn different levels of driver's licenses in order to qualify for events, and earn credits, trophies and prize cars by winning race championships. Gran Turismo features 140 cars and 11 race tracks (as well as their reversed versions).