This hack enables some of the Final Fantasy 9 scenes and dialogs that were suppressed during the game's development process.
The hack doesn't improve those scenes but only unlock them. They may have been unfinished from the developers perspective and/or contain abandoned material story-wise, but they are all bugless.
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// ## ### \\
// ## ## ## \\
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// \\
-------------------->>> Hidden Dialogs <<<------------------
--------------------->>> by Tirlititi <<<-------------------
These patches enable some FF9 scenes and dialogs that were
suppressed during the game's development process.
Use the program PPF-O-MATIC to active or deactivate them.
If you have a question or a complaint, you can contact me at
[email protected]
//Version 1.0//
Disc 1 :
-- Added a line of dialog for Steiner in the Prima Vista's
storeroom (ATE)
-- Added a dialog between Steiner and Morrid (UNMISSABLE)
Disc 2 :
-- Added a dialog between Freya, the King and the High Priest
inside the Cathedral of Cleyra (ATE)
-- Added a game phase in the Lindblum Castle's airship dock
US version :