A collection of patches to customize the camera rotation in Vagrant Story.
Invert Rotation: Inverts the R1/L1 rotation
Invert Y-Axis: Inverts the Y axis in the 1st person view
Finally there is a patch that will apply both changes, as patches can't be stacked onto each other due to the checksum changes.
-=- Vagrant Story (USA) - Invert Rotation & Y-Axis v1.0 -=-
By ioev:
[email protected]/ioev#3061
For use with the redump verified iso: http://redump.org/disc/164/
Invert Rotation - Inverts the R1/L1 rotation
Invert Y-Axis - Inverts the Y axis in the 1st person view
Also included is a patch that contains both changes in one, as you can't
apply both patches to the same iso due to checksum changes.
Any questions or problems, feel free to contact me!
Patches for use with the redump verified iso: http://redump.org/disc/164/