Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gihren no Yabou: Zeon no Keifu is a strategy game for PlayStation that enhances the original Gihren's Greed with a detailed political system allowing for ceasefires and treaties. Players can upgrade and customize mobile suits while navigating an updated map. The game features a range of mobile suits and characters from multiple Gundam OVAs, as well as factions like Titan, A.E.U.G., and Axis.
Blood of Zeon features a more complex political system compared to the original Gihren's Greed. The player can now create ceasefires and treaties, and the military system now supports mobile suit upgrading and customization. The map system was also updated. Blood of Zeon also introduces mobile suits and characters from various Gundam OVAs, along with the third-party factions Titan, A.E.U.G, and the Axis.