Kuon no Kizuna is a visual novel for PlayStation that explores the romantic entanglements of young individuals 1,000 years after their reincarnation from the Heian period. The narrative unfolds across three chapters, each set in different historical periods—Heian, Edo, and modern times—while progressing through the changing seasons and offering multiple story outcomes based on player choices.
A work depicting the love affairs of modern boys and girls , born 1,000 years after the reincarnation from the Heian period . All 4 eras all 3 chapters. Chapter 1 is the modern and Heian period, and the season is spring. Chapter 2 is the present day and the middle of the Edo period, and the season is summer. Chapter 3 is the present day and the end of the Edo period, and the season is from autumn to early winter.
With the main theme of reincarnation, the story progresses by going back and forth between the present age and the three eras of Heian, Genroku, and the end of the Edo period. The scenario consists of all three chapters. The subsequent story changes depending on how you choose the options in the story.