Magical Drop III is a puzzle game released for the PlayStation, known as Magical Drop III + Wonderful in Japan and as Magical Drop III in Europe. It combines the gameplay of Magical Drop III: Yokubari Tokudaigou! with a port of Magical Drop Plus 1. This version features a slower pace, excludes the arcade mode and gallery found in the Japanese release, and offers multiple language translations while retaining the original Japanese voice acting.
Released in Japan as `Magical Drop III + Wonderful` and in Europe simply as `Magical Drop III`, this version packages Magical Drop III: Yokubari Tokudaigou! with a console port of Magical Drop Plus 1!
The game features a slightly slower gameplay pace than the Japanese version, omits the `Arcade` version and gallery from the Japanese release, and translates the game's script into multiple languages. Unlike previous versions released outside of Japan, this game retains the Japanese voice work; similarly, the port of Magical Drop Plus 1! is based on the Japanese version instead of Chain Reaction.