Marl Oukoku no Ningyouhime – The Adventure of Puppet Princess is a role-playing video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software for the PlayStation. It serves as the sequel to Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, unfolding twelve years later. The game retains familiar characters and emphasizes themes of romance and dreams, featuring musical segments while employing a conventional RPG battle system instead of tactical combat.
Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess is a role-playing video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software for the original PlayStation and is the second installment in the Rhapsody series. The game takes place twelve years after the event of its predecessor, Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, and features much of the same characters. Like its predecessor, Little Princess includes many musical interludes and focuses on the themes of falling in love and fulfilling your dreams, though the tactical role-playing game battle system of Rhapsody was discarded for a more traditional RPG battle system.