Mary-Kate and Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall is a PlayStation game featuring the Olsen twins on a shopping adventure that turns chaotic due to a magical spell. Each store in the mall transforms into a unique world with various mini-games, such as serving customers, racing on snowboards, and capturing snapshots of boys at the beach, as players assist the sisters in their quest to return home.
In Magic Mystery Mall, TV's Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are on a shopping spree that quickly gets out of hand. A magic spell has been cast on the mall, and the girls find themselves engrossed in a wild adventure, as each store has become its own world. Take on a wide variety of mini-games and see if you can help the sisters get back home: try to serve hungry customers dinner, strap in for a wild snowboard race, or get some pictures of cute guys hanging at the beach but you better snap quick or they will get angry. If you loved these twins on TV, you'll love them even more on your PlayStation.